Array Part 1 - The maximum value of a subarray of length k

Question 🔗︎

Give an array and an integer K, find the maximum for each and every condiguous subarray of size k.

Input: arr[] = { 1, 2, 3, 1, 4, 5, 2, 3, 6 } K = 3
Ouput: 3 3 4 5 5 5 6
Maximum of 1, 2, 3 is 3
Maximum of 2, 3, 1 is 3
Maximum of 3, 1, 4 is 4
Maximum of 1, 4, 5 is 5
Maximum of 4, 5, 2 is 5
Maximum of 5, 2, 3 is 5
Maximum of 2, 3, 6 is 6

Problem Analysis(A) 🔗︎

Method 1: Violent solution code example

function getMaxK(arr, k) {
  if (!arr) return;
  if (arr.length <= k) {
    return Math.max(...arr);
  for (let index = 0; index <= arr.length - k; index++) {
    let result = Math.max(arr[index], arr[index + 1], arr[index + 2]);
    console.log(result + " ");

Two-level traversal, outer loop is (n-k), inner layer is k, according to the multiplication principle: (n-k) * k, so the time complexity is O(n*k) No extra space, so the space complexity is O(1)

Method 2: Using AVL tree

AVL is a short name for a highly balanced (left and right subtree height difference not more than 1) binary search tree, which ** facilitates finding the most value and guarantees that the find/delete/insert time complexity is O(logn)**. A binary search tree, also called a BST, has a left subtree smaller than the root node and a root node smaller than the right subtree.

It is only necessary to construct the tree with k nodes and print out the most value of this tree. In JS you can use the sort function to get the most value (the underlying implementation uses an AVL tree).

function getMaxK(arr, k) {
  const res = [];

  const queue = [];
  let index = 0;
  for (; index < k; index++) {

  queue.sort((a, b) => b - a);

  // 删除数组第一个元素
  queue.splice(arr[0], 1);

  for (; index < arr.length; index++) {
    const element = arr[index];
    queue.sort((a, b) => b - a);

    queue.splice(arr[index - k + 1], 1);
  return res;

Time and Space Complex 🔗︎

Time complexity: traverse array n, delete element logk, so n*logk Space complexity: logk

How to build AVL tree with js? The main thing is that the nodes do left and right subspin understanding.

Here is a summary of a set of code templates:

1 Node balancing template

const balance = this.getBalance(node);
//  left left
if (balance > 1 && data < {
  return this.rightRotate(node);

// right right
if (balance < -1 && data > {
  return this.leftRotate(node);

// left right
if (balance > 1 && data > {
  node.left = this.leftRotate(node.left);
  return this.rightRotate(node);

// right left
if (balance < -1 && data < {
  node.right = this.rightRotate(node.right);
  return this.leftRotate(node);

2 Left-rotate template

function leftRotate(x) {
  let y = x.right;
  let T2 = y.left;
  y.left = x;
  x.right = T2;
  x.height = Math.max(height(x.left), height(x.right)) + 1;
  y.height = Math.max(height(y.left), height(y.right)) + 1;
  return y;

3 right-rotate template

function rightRotate() {
  let x = y.left;
  let T2 = x.right;
  x.right = y;
  y.left = T2;
  y.height = Math.max(height(y.left), height(y.right)) + 1;
  x.height = Math.max(height(x.left), height(x.right)) + 1;
  return x;

Inserting a node is simply recursive deletion, and deleting a node requires consideration of the deletion of the root node

Method 3: Two Stack

Code Template:

const s1 = []; // 划动窗口
const s2 = []; // 临时窗口

const n = arr.length;

// 初始
for (let index = 0; index < k - 1; index++) {
  insert(s2, arr[index]);

for (let i = 0; i <= n - k; i++) {
  // 更新
  if (i - 1 >= 0) update(s1, s2);

  // 插入
  insert(s2, arr[i + k - 1]);

  //res.push(Math.max(s1[s1.length-1].max, s2[s2.length-1].max))

Because it only needs to be traversed once, the time complexity is O(n) Because the two stacks have at most k elements And according to the addition principle, the space complexity is O(k)

Method 4: Max-Heap

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